
Articles scientifiques

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Type de cancer

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Lymphome de Hodgkin

Rapid separation of mononuclear hodgkin from multinuclear reed-sternberg cells

We describe a method to isolate small mononucleated Hodgkin (H) cells from multinucleated Reed Sternberg (RS) cells of Hodgkin lymphoma...
Cancer du poumon

An assessment of diagnostic performance of a filter-based antibody-independent peripheral blood circulating tumour cell capture paired with cytomorphologic criteria for the diagnosis of cancer

Objectives Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) are reported to be predictive for prognosis and response to treatment in advanced lung cancer....

Evaluating circulating tumour cell enrichment techniques to establish an appropriate method for clinical application in glioblastomas

Brain tumours reduce life expectancy for an average of 20 years per patient, the highest of any cancer. A third...
Adénocarcinome œsophagien

Cancer-associated Macrophage-like Cells in Patients with Non-metastatic Adenocarcinoma of the Esophagus – Cytomorphological Heterogeneity

Introduction: Esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC) often recurs systemically despite therapy with a curative aim. New diagnostic and therapeutic approaches are urgently...
Cancer de la vessie

Cytomorphologic visualization of circulating tumor cells in urinary bladder cancer patients using ScreenCell™ technology: Potential as a simple cytology test

Circulating tumor cells (CTC) are a recent technique which is a potentially important prognostic factor in many solid tumors. There...
Cancer du sein

Ex vivo expansion of circulating tumour cells (CTCs)

Circulating tumour cells (CTCs) are a critical intermediate step in the process of cancer metastasis. The reliability of CTC isolation/purification...

Quel kit correspond à mon application ?

Pour l'amélioration de la
prise en charge des patients
grâce à l'analyse des CTC