ScreenCell technology offers researchers an innovative solution for the isolation and 2D and 3D cell culture of circulating tumor cells (CTCs), directly from patients’ blood.
By enabling the cell culture of CTCs, ScreenCell facilitates the in-depth study of their biological behavior, proliferation and molecular characteristics.
This approach is a major asset for basic research, providing a unique model to explore the mechanisms of tumor progression, cancer heterogeneity and the identification of new therapeutic targets.
2D cell culture on MB isolation support
ScreenCell technology plays a key role in the success of this technique by ensuring the viability and proliferative and invasive potential of isolated CTCs. The cells of interest are captured alive, then cultured under optimized conditions to promote their expansion and ex-vivo characterization.
With this method, it is possible to analyze specific subpopulations of CTCs, while preserving their ability to model complex biological phenomena.
Échantillon sanguin
< 4 heures
Cellules vivantes détachées
du support d’isolement pour analyse en suspension
Blood sample < 4 hours
Living cells detached
from the suspended isolation support
Day 7 of CTC cell culture
Day 7 of CTC cell culture
ScreenCell devices have been specifically designed to provide a favorable microenvironment for the isolation and expansion of CTCs, opening unique perspectives to study the mechanisms of metastasis and resistance to anticancer treatments.
In addition, isolated cells can also be detached from their membrane support and suspended, providing additional flexibility for their analysis. This alternative allows the examination of single cells, as well as the exploration of advanced applications such as 3D culture.
Are you interested in establishing a fundamental or clinical research project focused on circulating tumor cells (CTCs) or liquid biopsy?
Share your project details with us, and we will be delighted to assist you in bringing it to fruition.